THINK TANK MARIE CLAIREAGIR POUR L'EGALITEpowered by Connecting Leaders Club OUTSTANDING CONFERENCEPOWER & GOVERNANCEIs there a specificity of women’s leadership in politics and business?How can we overcome barriers to achieve a real equality? January 29th, 202110:30 - 12:30am WebinarREPLAY For the 10th anniversary of the Copé-Zimmermann law, the Think Tank Marie Claire “Agir pour l’Egalité” organized an outstanding conference with prestigious speakers ! © Jean-Christophe Marmara/ Elisabeth MorenoMinister delegate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, attached to the French Prime Minister © Lewis Joly Valérie PécressePresident Région Île-de-France © Henri Garat / Ville de Paris Anne HidalgoMayor of Paris Marie-Jo Zimmermann / Wikipedia Marie-Jo ZimmermannFormer deputy Moselle region and author of the Copé-Zimmermann law © Catherine Guillouard / LinkedIn Catherine GuillouardCEO RATP Group © Antoine Flament Moderator : Valérie Hoffenberg President Connecting Leaders Club and Co-founder of the Think Tank Marie Claire “Agir pour l’Egalité” REPLAY MARIE CLAIRE ARTICLE With the support of our partners Think Tank Agir pour l’Egalité | Webinar Fight against violences against women Think Tank Food&Planet Agriculture Food and Biodiversity