Valérie Hoffenberg

With experience in business, lobbying and politics both in France and abroad, Valérie Hoffenberg has developed a unique network of key opinion leaders and decision makers worldwide.

In 2011, after several years in politics as former French special envoy for the Peace Process in the Middle-East appointed by President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and 5 years elected as Representative of Paris, she decides to put aside her political career to create her own companies:

  • VHSC, a communications company specialized in communications strategies for French and international corporations, individuals and institutions.
  • Vconferences, in partnership with one of the leading French newspapers “Le Journal du Dimanche”, is a monthly meeting that gathers the most influential French business leaders.

Following the success of the conferences she has been organizing in France, and thanks to her wide international network, she decides in 2015 to expand her activities to the worldwide scene by creating the Connecting Leaders Club.

Valérie Hoffenberg @VHoffenberg
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Valérie Hoffenberg
CEO - Connecting Leaders Club
+ 33 (0)6 73 02 07 40

Ayelet Gurman

For almost a decade, Ayelet Gurman worked as the Content Manager for the conferences and events departments of the leading financial newspapers in Israel, “The Marker” and “Calcalist”. She was also the producer and editor of TheMarker TV.

During that period she brought to Israel Professor Paul Krugman, the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Economic Science, and also the economist Professor Nuriel Roubini.

Ayelet was responsible for content of many interdisciplinary conferences in the economic market, technology, small and medium businesses, Tel Aviv 100 (stock exchange) and more.

For ten years prior to specializing in Content Management, she worked for the venture capital fund “Eurofund” owned by the Federman Family.

In 2014, she co-founded the Connecting Leaders Club with Valérie Hoffenberg, bringing in her experience in events organization and her wide network in Israel.

Gurman Ayelet @AyeletGurman
Tel-Aviv, Israel
  • 6 Tweets
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Ayelet Gurman
Connecting Leaders Club - Events

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Connecting Leaders Club