Inspiring round tables and B2B meetings with the leaders of Israeli and French innovation: Team8, JVP, onepoint, Magma, Viola, Renault, Airbus Ventures, AXA, Bioclinic, Elsan …

The best French and Israeli companies, innovative start-ups and the best performing investment funds will gather on April 27th for debates and B2B meetings for:

  • Identifying the “best practices” of French and Israeli
    innovation ecosystems
  • Better understand the different options for collaboration
    between the companies of the two countries
  • Exchange on major trends and innovative sectors
  • Meet the most innovative companies in these sectors
  • Promote partnerships between French and Israeli companies


The number of places is limited; thank you to confirm your presence as soon as possible.

27 April 2017 - PARIS

8:00 am - 15:30 pm

Languages: English




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Introduction by Mrs. Valerie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club

08:30 - 08:45


Confirmed speakers

  • Mrs. Aliza Bin-Noun, Ambassador of Israel in France
  • Mr. Jérôme Chartier, Senior Vice President in charge of Ecomonics and employment, Région Île-de-France
  • Mr. David Layani, Founder and CEO, onepoint
  • Mr. David Martinon, French Ambassador for Cyber-diplomacy and the Digital Economy

How to build the best ecosystem for innovation?

Israel the startup nation – Broadcast of a short video

Salon Livepoint

Confirmed speakers

08:45 - 09:00


One on one about the Israeli Ecosystem

  • Mrs. Ziva Eger, Chief Executive at Foreign Investments and Industrial Cooperation, Ministry of Economy and Industry Israel
  • Mrs. Valérie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club


09:00 - 09:45

Moderator : Mrs. Valerie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club

  • Mrs. Ziva Eger, Chief Executive at Foreign Investments and Industrial Cooperation, Ministry of Economy and Industry Israel
  • Mr. Harel Beit-On, Founder and General Partner, Viola Growth
  • Adv. Sharon Gazit, Head of Head of Corporate and Technology Department, Goldfarb Seligman & Co.
  • Mrs. Laure Reinhart, Director of Innovation Partnerships and Ecosystems, Bpifrance
  • Mr. François Robinet, Managing Director, AXA Strategic Venture
  • Adv. Jérôme Bersay, Founder, Bersay & Associés

Pause - Network

09:45 - 10:00

What are the leading trends of innovation

10:00 - 10:40

Salon Livepoint


Confirmed speakers

Cyber security

Moderator : Mrs. Valerie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club

  • Mr. Jean–Marie Letort, Vice President Cybersecurity Evaluation & consulting, Thalès
  • Mr. David Martinon, French Ambassador for Cyber-diplomacy and the Digital Economy
  • Mr. Gadi Tirosh, Managing Partner, JVP
  • Mr. Jonathan Uzan, Cyber Defense Community Leader, onepoint
  • Mr. Frederic Vacher, Director Corporate Strategy Innovation, Dassault Systems

10:40 - 11:20


Confirmed speakers


Moderator : Mrs. Valerie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club

  • Mr. François Auque, Chairman of the Investment Committee, Airbus Ventures
  • Mrs. Isabelle Mari, Strategic Projects Director, JCDecaux
  • Mr. Jean-Claude Girot, Executive Manager,Paris Motor Show
  • Mr. François Rouvier, Director Social Business and Road Safety Program, Renault
  • Mr. Yahal Zilka, General Director, Magma Ventures

11:20 - 12:15


Confirmed speakers

Startup pitches


  • Mr. Tomer Ben-Shalom, Sales Director Europe, Claroty
  • Mr. Xavier Facélina, CEO and co-founder, Seclab
  • Mr. Mark Gazit, CEO, Thetaray
  • Ms. Evelyne Raby, COO, CybelAngel


  • Mr. Yoni Heilbronn, CMO, Argus Cyber Security
  • Mr. Raz itzhaki tamir, CEO, NSLComm
  • Mr. David Shostak, CEO, TTronic

What are the leading trends of innovation

10:00 - 10:40

Salon Atelier

Confirmed speakers

Food Tech

Moderator : Mr. Jean-David Benichou, Founder and President of ViaGroup

  • Mr. Jérôme Bédier, Deputy Director-General and Secretary-General, Carrefour
  • Mr. Nadav Berger, Founder & CEO, Foodlab Capital
  • Mr. Jean-Baptiste Cuisinier, President of Capagro
  • Mr. Nicolas Ferras, Director, InVivo Invest
  • Mr. Pierre-Alexandre Teulié, Managing Director of e-business, external communication, public affairs and sustainable development of Nestlé France


10:40 - 11:20

Confirmed speakers



Moderator : Mrs. Nora Diep-Anchor, Head of Life Sciences sector, onepoint

  • Mr. Michel Bodkier, Co-founder, Elsan group
  • Mr. Philippe Dabi, President of Bioclinic
  • Mr. David Guez, Director of Special Operations and R & D, Servier
  • Mr. Sébastien Loubry, partner, business development and communications director, AXA Strategic Venture
  • Mr. Jean-Pierre Trevisani, Director IT France & Suisse, Teva

11:20 - 12:15


Confirmed speakers


Startup pitches


  • Mrs. Marion Baroux, Sales Manager and Key account manager for the European Market, Delair-Tech
  • Mr. Yves Benchimol, CEO, Occi and Mrs. Sara Hekal, Marketing Manager, Occi
  • Mrs. Taly Nechustan, CEO, Innovopro
  • Ms. Charlotte Sieradzki and Ms. Joy Solal, Co-founders, Cook Angels
  • Ms. Shéhrazade Schneider Boyer, co-founder Simone Lemon



  • Dr. Ofer Limon, CEO, 6 over 6
  • Dr. Yair Shapira, Founder & CEO, NiNiSpeech
  • Dr. Ofer Sharon, Founder & CEO, Valera Health

What are the best innovation strategies for companies?

Different strategies for collaboration in Israel

12:30 - 13:15

Salon Livepoint

Confirmed speakers

Moderator : Mrs. Valerie Hoffenberg, President, Connecting Leaders Club

  • Mrs. Isabelle Amiel Azoulai, Managing partner, La Maison
  • Mr. François Auque, Chairman of the investment committee, Airbus ventures
  • Mr. François Robinet, Managing partner, AXA Strategic Venture
  • Mr. David Guez, Director of Special Operations and R & D, Servier
  • Mr. Gadi Tirosh, Managing partner, JVP
  • Mr. Bruno Zerbib, CTO, Altice

Lunch / Cocktail


B2B meetings (with pre-registration)




Valérie Hoffenberg
President & Founder - Connecting Leaders Club
[email protected]
+ 33 (0)6 73 02 07 40

Ayelet Gurman
Co-fondatrice & GM - Connecting Leaders Club Israël
[email protected]



Envie de devenir partenaire ? intervenant ?


Valérie Hoffenberg - Fondatrice & CEO

[email protected]
+ 33 (0)6 73 02 07 40

Connecting Leaders Club